When someone is looking to start a new job, an important part of the criteria for many ...
Can your office environment be changed to improve employee retention?
The benefits of employing seniors into your business
The ratio of younger to older employees in the workplace matters. Having a healthy mix of ex...
Make Your Employees Happy And More Productive By Making These Office Upgrades
A report by Steel Case revealed that only 13 percent of the global workforce is highly e...
First job? Tips for surviving your probation period
You’ve spent the last few years at university. Your final assignment got rave reviews ...
5 Top Tips for Networking in Northern Ireland
Hands up, who loves to go to networking events?If I was to hazard a guess, I imagine m...
Improving HR Functions through Video Technologies
Improving HR Functions through Video TechnologiesThere is a 95% probability of retaini...
One Export We Aren't Proud of....
What is Northern Ireland’s greatest export area? Is it our medical equipment, agricult...
Why Creative Employees Are Crucial To Your Company’s Success
Creativity is essential to every organisation’s success. Just ask any CEO. In a study ...