Tell us about your role within MCSI am the Compliance Manager in MCS, I’m responsible for en...
Leading the Charge Interview Series- Fran Coyle
Tech Talent Tuesday- Katie Moussouris
Katie Moussouris is an American computer security researcher, entrepreneur, and leading pion...
Guide to Building and Elevating your Personal Brand
Whether you know it or not, you have a personal brand. If someone hears your name in a profe...
Leading the Charge Interview Series - Una Donnelly
At MCS Group we truly value diversity and are a truly diverse workplace. Our workforce is 59...
Tech Talent Tuesday- Reshma Saujani
Reshma Saujani is an American lawyer, politician, civil servant, and founder of two hugely s...
Remote working and recruitment: how to implement your solution
People's interests have shifted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, as have their views on...
Boston Cleantech - home to innovation, growth and talent
As a result of our increased awareness of our impact on the world, particularly on the...
Leading the Charge
In recent decades, there have been calls for greater gender equality and a greater emphasis ...